Federal Realty Investment Trust: 2020 CR Report

Federal Realty Investment Trust: 2020 CR Report

  • The Assignment

    • Federal Realty Investment Trust—a leading retail REIT—engaged RE Tech to develop its second annual corporate responsibility report.
    • Federal wanted to tell the story of decades of impactful work, ranging from solar energy installations to community events to philanthropy.
    • The client wanted a simple, crisp design demonstrating how sustainable practices have always been part of Federal’s DNA while also providing a solid foundation for future reports.
  • The Solution

    • RE Tech went with a clean landscape layout, emphasizing images and graphics over text.
    • The report puts buildings front-and-center, using striking aerial shots and colorful street-level images to tell the story of how Federal properties form a sustainable backbone for their communities.
    • The design is intended to be easily “skimmable,” with a consistent visual language and creative graphics and icons to draw the reader’s eye to critical information.
Federal Realty Investment Trust